You know what we love? I mean other than the obvious answer of wood windows, of course. We love people. So you can only imagine how elated we were about hosting an event entirely devoted to welcoming others into our shop. Last Thursday we held our official Grand Opening for the Great Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce right here in our facility, complete with the Junction Coffee Bus and an amazing spread of tasty eats catered by one of our talented clients, Bo Taylor.
You may think the event was an excuse to get the shop clean (added bonus) or maybe an excuse to stuff our faces with maple bacon cannolis (my mouth is watering as I relive the flavor), but we truly amped ourselves up to greet each visitor with sincerity and passion for what we do. It was a wonderful feeling to meet fellow Chamber business owners and Ambassadors; we enjoyed giving each of our visitors a tour and speaking to them individually about what they get to do in life and how they found their own passion, while also sharing with them why we believe in our process and our team.
Speaking of our team, if you couldn’t make it to celebrate with us let me just go ahead and tell you about them. Any day of the week we are proud to show them off. We have a unique band of misfits all working for one common goal: to restore the integrity of what once was.
Our team is one of the best (pardon our not-so-humble-brag). We are made up of single moms, retired veterans, musicians, gecko raisers, wanderers, treasure hunters, artists, parents, crafters, and lovers of life. If you didn’t make it to our event, you missed out. Because even though we generally show off our wood window restoration skills and our historic window reproductions, the thing we are proudest of is our team. They work hard everyday to make the most beautiful windows and find the most efficient process in creating. They are the real deal.
No words can truly describe how grateful we are for the people who show up every day to make a difference.
Can we be real here? Good. One of our goals is that whatever comes into our shop, whether it is a product or a person, always leaves better than it was. We live for restoring.
Where the magic happens.
Nothing and no one is beyond restoration.
I’ll leave you with this: Our Grand Opening was just that. Grand. We are so appreciative of everyone who came to celebrate with us and learn a little bit about what we do. We are grateful to be members of the Great OKC Chamber and get to network with others who share our love for this city. Our doors are always open to anyone who is curious about what we do, so please don’t hesitate to pop in for a visit. We may not have unlimited coffee and treats like last week, but our passion and sincerity will still be just as amped as ever.