Sep 10, 2015

We all have something at our core that makes us who we are. Often times, it has to do with who we believe created us, who we believe we are and what we feel we are created to do.

I know many people that have a faith-based business. Some produce faith-based products…a verse on the back or a cross on the front. Here in the Bible Belt, it is very common to have a faith-based dentist, grocery store, roofer, etc. This is usually expressed in Christian music playing in the office or store, a Ichthys on marketing material or a commitment to give a percentage of profit to a church. And though my faith is central to my life and I have a deep desire to express it in the everyday, these types of well meaning expressions are not for me.

Some of you will rebuild the deserted ruins of your cities.

Then you will be known as a rebuilder of walls

and a restorer of homes.

Isaiah 58:12(NLT)

The reason I am draw to renovation, restoration and preservation of old homes is theological. It is central to what I believe about who God is and what He has done for us. I believe homes follow the same path that humans do. They are created individual and unique with a special purpose. But, at some point, they are forgotten and become broken. The good news is that this doesn’t have to be the end of the story. I want my work on homes to be a reflection of the work that Jesus is doing in the human race. Restoring and Renewing.

Just as in Jesus, we are restored and renewed. I believe that homes need to be restored and given new life. When I think about the wreck some of the houses we have repaired were in, when I recall how bad the damage was, how forgotten the home was and how hopeless the project felt at the beginning and how in the end it was a beautifully restored home…I see the Gospel. If a bunch of broken people can restore a broken house…what can a perfect God do with a bunch of broken people?

Restore old homes, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again. #ReThinkRenovation #Isiah58

— Ty McBride (@TyMcBrideOKC) September 7, 2015