Common Window Problems

Feb 3, 2020

It’s very common for an older, wood window to start having issues as it ages. From the wear and tear throughout the years, along with being beat down by the elements, there are quite a few problems that can form on any vintage window.

Some of the typical problems you may run across could be: wood rot, lead paint, windows are inoperable and even air infiltration issues. Great News! All of these issues are manageable!

If you aren’t sure what all is ailing your wood windows, we’ve created this wonderful guide below to help you understand and identify the windows problems you may be facing. We have mastered multiple products and services that can solve all of the listed window problems and more! If you do not see the window problem you’re facing, please leave us a comment!

Air Infiltration

Air infiltration, more commonly known as drafty windows, is the MOST FREQUENT old window problem out there! These drafts can be quite a nuisance as they let the cold air of winter into a room and cause it to be very uncomfortable. You can often notice the breeze from several feet away too. This is not the only discomfort you’ll come across with a drafty, antique window. You’ll easily find other discomforts, such as allergens and insects entering your home! Another draft problem you may notice is dirt and grime on the windows and surrounding fixtures. Now this may be happening because the window could be stuck in the open position or there is no weatherstripping on your window.

What is our solution for this? Well, we recommend installing weatherstripping for the easiest solution, but a storm window has been the best practice for over 100 years!

Lead Paint

Lead paint is harmless…that is, until it’s disturbed. Once lead paint is disrupted, it becomes extremely harmful to children, pets and yourself! While loose, as a dust or chips, it can damage the nervous system of children. By law, it is required that any contractor doing work on the home MUST follow the RRP rules from the EPA or State Agency. Keep in mind, lead was the primary type of paint at the turn of the century and was used until 1978. You also need to be aware that while doing any type of restoration, licensed contractors may create lead dust that can poison all that happen to come in contact. To learn a bit more about lead paint, click this link on the reasons you need a lead safe contractor!

What is our solution to this? We have a threefold solution. First, we educate our neighbors to the risks of lead paint and we require our repairman to go through the required RRP training. Second, we eliminate all significant paint failure that should be removed from the property. This can include the sash, trim and moldings. Third, we encapsulate by using an encapsulating paint and primer to stop the chipping of the paint.

Outside Noise and Lack of Privacy

We fully understand that the noise from the outside can disrupt the peace in your home. Cars driving by, the trash truck early in the morning, or even fire truck sirens. It can give you the sense that you lack privacy. That you can hear your neighbors and they can hear you. This is simply caused by wood windows that are single pane that do not block out sound.

What is our solution to this? Storm windows are the best solution and actually work better than a replacement window. The storm windows add an additional layer! That means there is an additional space between the outside layer and the inside layer. Sound can also be blocked out by drapes and window treatments!

Rot and Deterioration

When a wood window starts to deteriorate, they can lose their original beauty. In the last 40 years, tradesmen have gone from craftsmen who were well rounded in all the trades and able to maintain homes to replacement installers. These replacement contractors are skilled in covering up the differing maintenance down the line until the only option that remains is a replacement…or RESCUE!

What is our solution to this? Fix the problem first! Then do normal, annual maintenance. Limit maintenance on historic windows by protecting them with a storm window to shield them from the elements.


We hear about windows being stuck all the time. Chances are, the window has been painted shut! This can be inconvenient in the Spring when you want to enjoy a nice breeze and extremely unsafe in the event of an emergency, such as a fire.

What is our solution to this? Free up old window with simple hand tools. Remember to make sure at least one window in each bedroom works for safety. If you want to go a step further, do a full mechanical and repair the ropes and pulleys too!

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