Jun 17, 2016

How to glaze a wood window with Aqua Glaze.

Here at the Wood Window Rescue Shop, we have searched the internet to find the best and most accessible old window repair techniques to share with our audience. This video series from Dave Bowers of Olde Window Restorer is one of the best. We use these videos for training in our window restoration projects and love how the historic wood windows turn out. We hope that you will find these videos and additional window sash repair insight to be helpful.

Tools Needed:

  • Putty Knife
  • Damp Rag

Material Needed:

  • Glazing Points
  • Aqua Glaze

Sarco Type M Multi-Glaze


We suggest that you remove the window sash from the wood window frame. We also recommend using a make-shift sash easel on a slight incline. If you are doing this at home and want the best results, do it outside and make sure you have enough time set aside to complete an entire window sash glazing.

How to Glaze a window sash part 1 – Getting started

Tips on Working with Aqua Glaze

  • Work up a softball sized amount of Aqua Glaze and then set aside in a separate container.
  • To keep window glazing from drying out, keep only a small amount of window putty in your hand while you work the glazing into the wood window sashHow to glaze a window sash part 2 Continuing the pattern

Putty Knife Tricks

  • Keep your knife clean and free of grim. Grim will cause the glazing to drag and will leave a rough, less than desirable window sash glazing.
  • Make sure to use a flexible putty knife. Apply enough pressure so that the knife bends as you pull the knife over the window glazing. Doing this presses the glazing on to the glass and wood on the wood window.
  • Keep your knife moist by wiping often with a damp rag.How to glaze a window sash part 3 – Finishing the corners

How to Estimate Glazing Material

To estimate glazing, we use a great tool created by the folks at SRS Hardware. Here are the basics:

Number of Sashes x Number of Lights Per Sash x .2 x .2 x Perimeter of Each Light x .0022=Gallons of Glazing needed.

To get a more precise estimate and for further detail please check out the Putty Calculator.

How to glaze a window sash – Part 4

Final Tip…

Don’t give up! It may take a few tries…especially on those corners. The important part is you are doing this instead of replacing with disposable vinyl windows.

If you need help, just comment below and we will do our best to help.