Field Guide: Aluminum Storm Window Installation

Jan 23, 2021

Replace your drafty windows! That’s what homeowners have been told for decades now, but it doesn’t have to be the case. An aluminum storm window is likely the easiest solution to cut down on air infiltration around the windows of an old home that will also protect your windows and prolong their maintenance cycle.

Like many of our blog posts, here’s an insight into how our team installs Provia aluminum storm windows and our expectations.

Tools & Material

  • Measuring tape
  • Cordless Drill
  • Magnetic drive guide
  • #2 Phillips
  • Twist bit
  • Metal Snips
  • Ladder/step stool
  • Suction cups
  • Utility knife
  • Shims


  • Inspect for damage the window for any damage prior to installation.
  • Find the window number on the label.
    • We either label our windows based on how our Hover 3D image labels windows
    • OR
    • The front elevation, left most window on the first floor is labeled 101, then working around the house front, right, back, left. Second floor & landing windows are labeled starting with 200.
  • Carefully unpackage the window and place it by the window opening. .
  • Always read through the manufacturer’s instructions for exact instructions on installing the specific type of window.
  • Picture window style storms should have the glass removed at this time.
  • Test fit storm window to ensure an appropriate fit. Using a suction cup can make this process easier.
    • There are two types of installation; overlap application and blindstop application.
    • Our typical installation method is the blind stop application.
  • Trim the frame, if needed, by using a utility knife and metal snips
    • This a common recommendation from storm window manufacturers; however, the storm window will not be able to be removed for maintenance of the primary window.
  • Place the storm window in the opening with a symmetric reveal with the bottom expander pushed all the way up, if present. Shims can be helpful to hold the storm window up into place.
  • Install the top, center screw after pre-drilling a pilot hole but do not tighten.
  • Remove the shims and push the bottom expander down so that it’s snug against the sub sill.
  • Pre-drill and install screws that remain around the perimeter and tighten top screw. Screws should be installed straight and not at an angle, which will cause the sides to rotate.
  • Remove the installation clips, if present, on triple track style storm windows.
  • Re-install the glass, if installing a picture window
  • Check for proper operation of the sash and screen and adjust, if needed.
  • Touch up paint with manufacture provided paint.
  • Clean glass to be free of debris, sweat, etc.


  • Storm window is installed according to manufacturer’s specifications, aside from caulking
  • Symmetrical reveal on window
  • Installation clips are removed after installation
  • Operational window work with ease
  • Screws are not installed at an angle
  • Glass is clean and free of debris, sweat, etc.
  • Touch up paint is completed