Do you have a double-hung window who’s upper sash is sagging? Is that upper sash sagging so badly that the lock doesn’t line up with it’s catch anymore?
You may be wondering how this happened. It could have occurred on a larger wood window where the glass was heavy enough to cause the upper sash to sag overtime. Another reason this may have occurred…the window was painted open from an improper painting job. Either way, this has caused the alignment to be thrown off and has made the windows unsecured.
There are a couple of ways you can approach this common issue of unaligned sash locks! The first thing that may come to mind…renovate the window. Renovating the window to make the meeting rail align will fix this problem along with assisting in the reduction of air infiltration, allow the window to shut correctly and make the home a bit more energy efficient. Renovating is a great option, but if you just want to secure the home…we have another RIY route you can take!
Allow us to introduce the Sash Lock Shim! A sash lock shim is an inexpensive way to align the lock on a vintage window. This is extremely easy to install yourself and a great way to protect the home. This fix is a 5&5, which is $5 in materials and will take 5 minutes of your time to fix!
As shown in the video, you’ll need a few more tools and items than just the shim itself. You’ll need a screwdriver or a Leatherman. You may also need longer screws due to the height distance. We do not recommend using a drill or any other power tools for this RIY project. Using a drill can cause the aged wood to crack and split…using a hand tool will not.
If you are having difficulties with the screw catching, try using a toothpick in the gap! Breaking off a toothpick that has been wedged in the gap can help the screw catch!
You can order these Sash Lock Shims at our online store by clicking this link! If you happen to come across a different old window problem and want some advice, check out our Common Window Problems Blog. We have identified 5 common issues you can find on your wood windows and provide solutions to each issue! You can also email us at or leave a comment below for more information!
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